The true business foundation of Corentec lies in the customer-first spirit.We always respect the opinions of all customers and provide products, services, and benefits from the customer's point of view, so that we can constantly create value that is helpful to customers and earn the trust of customers.
1. Respect for customers
(1) We always listen to customers' opinions, always consider customers' true needs to be right, and make customer satisfaction the top priority in all judgments and actions
2. Providing value to customers
(1) Recognizing that the development of customers is our development, we find the value that is needed from the customer's point of view and constantly create true value that can help and satisfy the customer.
(2) We provide the highest quality products and services that meet the needs of customers at reasonable prices and respond quickly and accurately to customers' legitimate requests.
3. Delivering promises to our customers
(1) We tell the truth to our customers and keep our promises to them.
(2) We must keep our promises to customers regarding basic sales activities such as answering phone calls, making deliveries and customer complaints.
4. Protection of Customers' Interests
(1) Any information that the customer should know or that must be disclosed to the customer will be actively made available.
(2) Customers' assets are protected in the same way as company assets, and unauthorized use is prohibited without prior approval from customers.
(3) If there is a legitimate request from a customer for exchange or return of the product, we will take prompt action.
(4) If we obtain information related to customers, we will not disclose the information or use it for other purposes without the prior consent of the customer.
(5) We strive for the safety of our customers in all management, production, and sales activities.
(6) We do not harm the interests of customers by engaging in other immoral acts.
Corentec complies with the relevant laws and regulations in all relevant regions where it conducts business activities, respects commercial customs, and competes and secures advantages through fair and transparent methods.
1. Compliance with Laws and Regulations
(1) We comply with all laws and regulations of all relevant regions at home and abroad where we conduct business activities and conduct business by respecting commercial customs.
(2) Expatriate employees must be familiar with and comply with local laws and customs.
(3) We comply with the Organization for International Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)'s “InternationalAnti-Bribery Convention”and Korea's "Anti-Bribery in International Business Transactions Act."
2. Respect for the Order of Free Competitive Market
(1) In accordance with the principle of free competition, we respect market competition order both domestically and internationally.
(2) We shall practice competition in good faith fairly, pursue competitive activities based on mutual respect with our competitors, and do not infringe on the interests of our competitors or take unfair advantage of their weaknesses.
3. Obtaining and Utilizing Legitimate Information
(1) Obtain and utilize information in accordance with laws and commercial practices.
(2) We do not unfairly disclose competitor information to the outside even if it is legitimately obtained.
(3) We do not slander competitors or make baseless comparisons with competitors through advertisements.
The executives and employees of Corentec establish the right values as members of the company with a commitment to honesty and integrity and fulfill their mission through continuous self-development and the fair performance of their duties.
1. Basic Ethics
(1) Employees shall have pride and self-esteem as Corentec and always maintain an honest and sincere attitude.
(2) We always strive to maintain our personal dignity and honor as a Corentec with high ethical values.
(3) Do not smoke outside the designated place of work.
(4) Practice saving through a healthy consumption life that matches income and fractions, and refrain from entering luxury establishments.
(5) Employees shall strictly distinguish between construction and construction, do not use the company's goods or expenses for personal purposes, and shall not use or acquire samples or products without permission.
(6) Employees shall not give congratulatory condolences to those who have come to know them through business transactions of the Company other than personal relationships such as family relatives or friends and shall not receive congratulatory gifts.
2. Accomplishment of the Mission
(1) Employees shall share the company's management philosophy, sympathize with the goals and values pursued by the company, and faithfully carry out the mission assigned to each of them in accordance with the company's business policy.
(2) Employees shall perform their assigned duties in the best and fair manner, respect the spirit of all social laws and laws related to their work, and understand and comply with the company's regulations and systems.
(3) Employees must clearly recognize the authority and responsibility given to themand make decisions and act within their authority in line with the goals pursued by the company.
(4) We must anticipate and manage risks that may arise from our decisions and actions and take responsibility for the problems that arise.
(5) If the work or goal to be carried out is contrary to the interests of society or causes damage to society, it must be reported immediately in accordance with the reporting procedure.
(6) Actively cooperate with colleagues and related departments and improve work effectiveness and efficiency.
3. Fair Execution of Duties
(1) The Company shall perform all duties fairly and shall perform tasks that do not have company regulations or are not clear in a transparent and reasonable manner.
(2) We do not receive any form of financial benefit from stakeholders that may hinder fairness in relation to our duties.
(3) We do not engage in unethical or illegal acts that may be condemned by society in relation to our daily life and duties.
(4) Superiors shall not give work orders to subordinates that do not comply with laws and company regulations, and employees who receive work orders from their superiors that do not comply with laws and company regulations may refuse to perform their duties.
(5) If an employee becomes aware that the result of the company's or his/her actions is in violation of the law or appears to be an unethical act, the executive must immediately notify the management and the HR and general affairs team, and the management shall review the contents without delay and conduct a fact-checking investigation. In addition, we do not allow any threats or retaliation based on the content received.
4. Prohibition of Gift Exchange Between Employees
The exchange of gifts between employees is strictly prohibited.
(1) Prohibition of gifts from subordinates to superiors.
(2) Prohibition of gift exchange between departments. However, exceptions are made for the following: ① Gifts from superiors to subordinates. ② Gifts exchanged among team members for birthdays or work anniversaries with equal cost-sharing by all team members (gifts between different teams are prohibited).
5. Prohibition of Financial Transactions Between Employees
Financial transactions between employees are prohibited as they can lead to organizational weakness or personal financial losses.
(1) Prohibition of borrowing money between employees.
(2) Prohibition of loan guarantees or joint guarantees between employees.
6. Prevention of Workplace Sexual Harassment
Workplace sexual harassment can lead to a loss of motivation, decreased productivity, and potential damage to the company’s reputation and legal consequences, so prevention is strictly enforced.
(1) Refrain from inappropriate jokes and do not force employees to serve drinks or dance during social events.
(2) Do not visit inappropriate websites at work.
(3) Do not make sexual comments or comparisons about coworkers’ bodies.
(4) Avoid unnecessary physical contact and refrain from emphasizing fixed gender roles (such as actions or comments based on gender).
7. Prohibition of Inappropriate Use of Information Systems
(1) Do not use the company's information system to post or visit antisocial content such as games, pornography, or gambling websites.
(2) Do not use illegal software through the internet or copied CDs.
(3) Illegal software must be deleted, and all software within the company must be purchased legally and used as original copies.
8. Thorough Safety and Risk Prevention Management
All employees have a duty and responsibility to ensure safety within the company.
(1) Ensure thorough precautions for fire and other emergency situations.
(2) In case of an emergency, take all necessary actions to manage the situation.
9. Mutual Respect Among Employees
(1) Maintain basic manners essential for workplace interactions.
(2) Do not engage in rude language or defamation of other employees.
(3) Do not create factions or engage in discriminatory behavior based on academic background, religion, ethnicity, gender, marital status, nationality, race, disability, or age.
(4) Do not engage in improper requests between employees.
(5) Employees must not engage in actions that cause distress to superiors, colleagues, or subordinates.
① Verbal actions: Swearing, defamation, negative stereotypes, or using threatening or hostile language.
② Non-verbal actions: Staring, giving inappropriate gifts, etc.
③ Visual actions: Offensive or damaging photos, drawings, gestures, etc.
However, constructive criticism and oversight related to work performance do not fall under these restrictions.
10. Prohibition of Customer and Internal Information Leakage
(1) Customer Information
① Customer personal information must not be disclosed to third parties without prior consent. ② Confidential information about cooperating companies must not be disclosed to unauthorized internal or external parties.
(2) Internal Company Information
① Confidential company information, such as new business details or internal data, must not be disclosed to third parties without prior approval from a superior.
② Important documents and materials should be managed by designated personnel to prevent unauthorized leakage to external parties or specific individuals.
※ Key Examples
• Management Information: Key policies, decisions, business plans, financial results, etc.
• Sales Information: Personnel-related information, sales performance, profit margins, etc.
11. Prohibition of Insider Trading and Misuse of Information
(1) Do not use undisclosed important company information to trade stocks or provide such information to others who may trade based on it.
(2) Do not leak information obtained through work to internal or external parties without prior consultation with the disclosure officerand confirm whether disclosure is necessary.
Corentec respects all employees as individuals, treats them according to their abilities and achievements, and makes the utmost effort to ensure that employees' creativity is fully expressed.
1. Respect for Employees
(1) We treat each employee as an independent individual.
(2) We strive to ensure that employees can achieve pride and fulfillment through their work, based on a sense of ownership.
(3) We establish systems and take necessary measures such as training and guidance to ensure employees can perform their duties in a fair manner.
2. Fostering Talent
(1) We establish the necessary systems to nurture employees into autonomous and creative talents, actively activating these systems and providing full support.
(2) Supervisors are committed to developing their subordinates into challenging and resilient talents, offering necessary advice and guidance based on their subordinates' aptitudes and qualities.
3. Fair Treatment
(1) We provide equal opportunities based on employees' abilities and qualities.
(2) We apply fair standards to evaluate employees' abilities and achievements, offering fair compensation.
(3) We provide equal opportunities for enhancing employees' abilities and do not discriminate based on academic background, religion, ancestry, gender, region of origin, marital status, nationality, race, disability, age, or other factors.
4. Promoting Creativity
(1) We create the best possible conditions to promote employees' original thinking and autonomous behavior.
(2) We actively support employees' ability development and nurtures talent with a long-term perspective.
(3) We respect individuals' privacy and foster a mature organizational culture based on mutual trust and understanding.
5. Creating a Safe Workplace Environment
(1) We fulfill all safety precautions to ensure that employees can work in a safe, hygienic, and productive environment.
(2) We regularly conduct safety training for employees and inspect facilities to ensure safety standards are met.
Corentec contributes to the prosperity of the people and the development of society by growing into a sound company through rational business development, protecting shareholders' interests.
1. Rational Business Development
(1) We conduct business while respecting the social values of the region, both domestically and internationally.
(2) We promote business growth based on stable societal development.
(3) We refrain from engaging in activities that harm the national economy, such as real estate speculation or actions that create discord in public sentiment.
(4) We reject practices that hinder healthy corporate activities.
2. Protection of Shareholders' Interests
(1) We realize sound profits through efficient management to provide an economic return to shareholders.
(2) We respect shareholders' right to know, legitimate demands, suggestions, and official decisions, ensure a transparent management system, and maintain accurate accounting records in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
(3) We preserve, protect, and increase shareholders' assets, and diligently protect their profits.
3. Contribution to Social Development
(1) We contribute to national development by creating jobs and faithfully reporting and paying taxes.
(2) We provide equal employment opportunities to all individuals, regardless of academic background, religion, ancestry, gender, region of origin, marital status, nationality, race, disability, or age.
(3) We humbly accept the legitimate demands of various social classes and local communities and strive to resolve them.
4. Prohibition of Political Involvement
(1) We respect the personal voting rights of employees, allowing them to express their political positions as individuals and make personal contributions to their chosen candidates or political parties. However, care must be taken to ensure that these actions are not mistaken for the company's stance.
(2) We do not engage in politics, and political activities are not permitted in the workplace.
(3) We do not provide illegal donations or expenses to any political candidate, political party, or political committee, either directly or indirectly.
5. Social Contribution Activities
(1) We ensure and encourage employees' participation in sound social service activities, contributing to social development.
(2) We provide necessary institutional support for employees' active participation in social service activities.
6. Environmental Protection
(1) We strive to protect nature and preserve a clean environment, adhering to all relevant environmental regulations.
(2) We make every effort to eliminate wasteful consumption of resources.
(3) We refrain from engaging in business activities that violate environmental protection standards and make every effort to prevent pollution and environmental damage.
Article1 (Effective date)
Article2 (Relationship with Other Internal Regulations)